Mariazinha’s ethical fashion journey
at Solid Crafts, Ayacucho - Peru

The fashion industry has long been criticized for its negative impact on the environment and society, but some brands are committed to ethical and sustainable practices that benefit both people and the planet. At Solid Crafts, we love working with these brands, and one of these is Mariazinha. For the past five years, this French ethical fashion brand has collaborated with Solid Crafts in Peru to promote traditional craftsmanship, sharing, and mutual aid. Recently, the founder of Mariazinha, Claire, visited our Peruvian handknitting workshop to see the impact of our partnership first-hand. 

“I created Mariazinha out of love, I have been a stylist for many years, I have travelled a lot and worked on all continents. I created my ethics brand with the deep desire to promote craftsmanship, and the value of mutual aid both in France as well as beyond our borders. Solid Crafts totally matches with my values.”, says Claire.

Claire, the founder of Mariazinha, embarked on a journey to Solid Crafts' Peruvian handknitting workshop to witness the impact of their five-year collaboration. Solid Crafts, our value driven organisation that engages local artisans, was an obvious choice for Claire as their values aligned perfectly with Mariazinha's commitment to craftsmanship, sharing, and mutual aid.

During her visit to Ayacucho, Claire was struck by the warmth and generosity of the knitting mothers and the entire Solid Crafts team. This was the first time she was welcomed somewhere with flowers, dances, and a lot of love, and it left a lasting impression on her.

I had been planning to come to Ayacucho for several years, but our trip was delayed due to the pandemic. This gave my arrival another dimension in relation to all the difficulties encountered by Peru. I felt a great emotion and also a great joy to meet the knitters and to be able to share this time with them” – Claire.

She also made a stop at Solid’s social projects that work with teenage mothers. As she explored as well the highlands of the alpacas and their communities, she was moved by the beauty of life in all its forms and the importance of protecting it: “This was a great and very enriching experience for me.”

Mariazinha's work with the knitting mothers in Peru has allowed her to promote their ancestral work and alpaca breeding in France. By incorporating their craftsmanship into her designs, Claire has brought attention to the value and beauty of traditional techniques. Moreover, Mariazinha's collaboration with Solid Crafts has allowed them to raise awareness about the challenges faced by women in Peru, particularly teenage mothers.

Despite the challenges of making themselves known and gaining more visibility, Mariazinha and Solid Crafts remain committed to their partnership. Claire dreams of a world with more mutual aid and open hearts, and she hopes to expand her brand and work more extensively with Solid Crafts in the future. In fact, she's taking advantage of her visit to Ayacucho to launch a call for new partners and to potentially open a Mariazinha shop in the future.

The impact of the collaboration between Mariazinha and Solid Crafts goes beyond fashion. By promoting ethical and sustainable practices, they are setting an example for other brands to follow. They demonstrate that it's possible to do good for both the planet and people, and that it's important to recognize and support the work of local artisans.

In conclusion, Claire's journey to Solid Crafts' knitting workshop was a powerful reminder of the impact that ethical collaborations can have. Through their five-year partnership, Mariazinha and Solid Crafts have demonstrated that it's possible to promote traditional craftsmanship, raise awareness about social issues, and create beautiful and sustainable fashion. By supporting local artisans and communities, they have set an example for other brands to follow and have helped to make the fashion industry more responsible and transparent.

Claire's visit to Peru not only allowed her to witness the beauty and value of the knitting mothers' ancestral work and alpaca breeding, but it also strengthened her commitment to promoting mutual aid and open hearts. She dreams of a world where compassion and generosity prevail, and she hopes to inspire others to join her in making a positive impact. “I’m an idealist who dreams of a world with more mutual aid and open hearts. The beauty of life in all its forms is something that should be defended as a priority”, says Claire.

With the continued support of Solid Crafts and other ethical partners, Mariazinha is poised to continue making a difference in the fashion industry and beyond. By prioritizing sustainability, fairness, and creativity, they are showing that fashion can be a force for good. The journey of Mariazinha's ethical fashion in Ayacucho, Peru with Solid Crafts is a testament to the power of collaboration and the potential for positive change.

Instagram : Mariazinha_boutique_officielle

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