An estimated 170 million children are engaged in child labour around the world, according to the ILO (International Labour Organisation) — many of them making textiles and garments to fulfil the demand of countries with fashion consumers.
2021 has been designated as the international Year for the Elimination of Child Labour by the ILO, in cooperation with several relevant organisations. Child labour has a big influence on the education of the children who are working: a third of children in child labour are completely outside the educational system, and those that do attend perform poorly. Although child labour has decreased by 38% since 2000, there is still a lot of work to be done. Every child should have the opportunity to receive the education they deserve.
At Solid, we hope to raise awareness that we can all do something to stop child labour. It starts with asking brands #whomademyclothes? Transparency is the first step to transforming this industry.