Information about Solid's core values, yearly impact report,
some background and context about our approach and philosophy.
Helping you telling the impactful story behind any of our products to your customers.
Information about Solid's core values, yearly impact report,
some background and context about our approach and philosophy.
Helping you telling the impactful story behind any of our products to your customers.
Logo Solid
Logo of Solid in various formats.
Poster 'What Solid stands for'
A visual illustrating Solids approach: empower people, get people on track and make aid unnecessary. Because, we can't stand injustice.
Poster 'The importance of fair trade and fair employment'
A visual illustrating the importance for Solid of fair trade and fair employment. Because, how it is made, does matter!
Poster 'How does Solid Crafts work'
A visual illustrating how Solid comes to happy and empowered artisans. And you will have at the end happy customers buying fair and authentic products and sharing beautiful stories.